Where are we?
SMU Campus Green
Nearest MRT stations
Bras Basah
City Hall
Dhoby Ghaut
Opening Hours
17 January 2025
4pm - 11pm
Programme Guide
What is SMU Patron’s Day?
Read about it here!
When is the event?
Friday, 17 Jan 2025, 4pm to 11pm
Where is the event held?
SMU Campus Green, located next to Li Ka Shing Library.
Who can come for the event?
Open to everyone! Bring your friends, family and all!
Do I need to pay to enter the event?
Nope! Admission is free!
What happens when it rains?
PD25 is a rain or shine event.
What are the available payment methods?
Cash and Digital Payment only.
Are there Muslim friendly options?
Yes. We will update in due time!
Is alcohol allowed?
It is not allowed.
Where can I find more information about the event?
Follow our Instagram (@smupatronsday) for more live updates of the event!
How will SMU's 25th Anniversary be celebrated?
You can refer to it here!